WOD 14/09/2019

Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single-Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed


Five sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Double Unders
60 seconds of Burpee Box Jump (60/50cm)
60 seconds of Power Clean (50/35 Kg)
60 seconds of Ground to Overhead (50/35 Kg)

Rest 60 seconds


I limiti esistono solo nell’anima di chi è a corto di sogni.
